Farm to table, we make it easy.

What is our process?

  1. Reserve Order Date. Reach out to find our next available date, and we’ll get you reserved. We typically have monthly availability.

  2. Choose Cuts. Check out our Pricing Page for a breakdown. You can either fill out the order form and email to us, or we can have the locker call you direct.

  3. Settle Up. You’ll pay us for your beef once we have an official hanging weight (usually one week before the meat is ready for pickup).

  4. Pickup. The locker will contact you directly when your beef is ready. Processing is due at time of pickup, paid directly to the locker.

Why is our beef better?

  • At our farm, we butcher at 15 months of age. Age of the animal (at time of butcher) plays a big part in the quality and tenderness of the beef. Ideal tenderness for beef is under 18 months of age. Beef will get tougher as they age past 18 months. Each month under 18, meat will be slightly more tender.

  • We raise corn fed beef. Feed greatly affects the flavoring of the beef. The majority of people prefer the flavor of corn fed beef. Corn fed beef will give you the flavor and tenderness most people prefer. Corn fed also finishes animals faster than grass fed and in fewer months, allowing you to butcher within the desired 18 months of age.

Where are you located?

  • We are located in Glenwood City, Wisconsin, about 50 miles east of the Twin Cities.

How much meat will I be taking home?

  • Generally, you take home 60% of the total hanging weight. For example: a quarter beef with a hanging weight of 195lbs, you’d take home approximately 117lbs of packaged meat.

How much freezer space will I need?

  • Rule of thumb is 1 cubic foot of freezer space for every 35 - 40lbs of packaged meat. For a quarter beef, you would need a 4 cubic foot freezer. A half beef needs about 8 cubic feet. A whole beef, you’d need 16 cubic feet.

Can I just buy ground beef, roasts, or steaks individually?

  • Yes! We always have ground beef on hand (1 lb packages). Steaks and roasts are also available contingent based on what we have on hand. You can download an individual order form below.

Got Questions?

Do you have additional questions? Fill out the form, and we’ll email you back as soon as possible!